Sunday, February 8, 2009


I wanted to pass this along to everyone - there is a new site for selling handmade called ArtFire. It looks really cool. You can sign up and sell your goods for free (up to 10 items) or you can pay the promotion sign up fee of $7.00 - the $7.00 is a promo for the first 5000 customers who sign up. With this you are allowed unlimited listings and no additional charges. If you are familiar with Etsy, you are charged for each listing plus additional fees. This has none! I love Etsy and use it. But ArtFire will be giving Etsy some competition in the future. And, after the 5,000 accounts are set up, the monthly fee will be $20.00. I signed up and joined, check it out.


Ghost said...

Thanks for the info, and since I am not a designer I don't usually sell my items but give them to charity. And yes, it always feels good to get another item off my hooks.